
英语点读识别软件 英读廊,我们的小舌头到底有什么用

人气:353 ℃/2023-12-23 09:45:09

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What is your uvula for?


【单词】uvula ['yoo-vyuh-luh]['juːvjələ] n. 悬壅垂(小舌头的正式名称);小舌

It's a fly catcher of sorts.


【单词】fly [flahy][flaɪ] n. 苍蝇;两翼昆虫

【单词】catcher ['kach-er]['kætʃə] n. 捕手;捕捉者;捕捉器

prevents swallowing small particles and larger as well.


【短语】as well 也(相当于too);同样地;还不如;此外;例句:We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well. 既要有原则性, 也要有灵活性。

【单词】Prevents 原型:prevent [pri-'vent][prɪ'vent] v. 预防;防止,阻止;挡住

【单词】swallowing 原型:swallow ['swol-oh]['swɒləʊ] v. 吞下;咽下

【单词】particles 原型:particle ['pahr-ti-kuhl]['pɑːtɪkl] n. 颗粒;微粒;极小量;质点;粒子

Had mine removed and I have to conscious of breathing and swallowing.


【单词】mine [mahyn][maɪn] pron. 我的

【单词】removed 原型:remove [ri-'moov][rɪ'muːv] v. 消除;脱掉

【单词】conscious ['kon-shuhs]['kɒnʃəs] adj. 神志清醒的;意识到的;自觉的;有意的 n. 意识

【单词】breathing 原型:breathe [breeth][briːð] vi. 呼吸

Cutting grass, working around dusty environments and I need a mask.


【单词】grass [gras, grahs][ɡrɑːs] n. 草

【单词】dusty ['duhs-tee]['dʌsti] adj. 满是灰尘的

【单词】mask [mask, mahsk][mɑːsk] n. 面罩;面具

Sorry to hear that.


【单词】Sorry 原型:sorry ['sor-ee, 'sawr-ee]['sɒri] adj. 对不起的;抱歉的;难过的;遗憾的

I had always thought it was just there and now hearing your story I'm glad I have one.


【单词】glad [glad][ɡlæd] adj. 高兴的;乐意的

It's meant to help protect your sinuses from getting food and drink in them when you swallow.


【单词】protect [pruh-'tekt][prə'tekt] v. 保护;投保

【单词】sinuses 原型:sinus ['sahy-nuhs]['saɪnəs] n. 窦;静脉窦

【单词】drink [dringk][drɪŋk] v. 喝;饮 n. 饮料;酒;喝酒

Your uvula moves up to seal off your nose from your mouth.


【单词】seal [seel][siːl] v. 密封;盖印;盖住

【单词】nose [nohz][nəʊz] n. 鼻子

【单词】mouth [mouth][maʊθ] n. 嘴;口;开口

This is used for many things.


Speech production (m, n, and ing are nasal sounds that require you to life your uvula, thus sealing off your nasal cavity so the air and sound go out your nose rather than your mouth), helps prevent food and liquids from going into your nasal cavity.


【短语】rather than ... 而不是..., 宁可…也不愿...;例句:It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。

【单词】Speech 原型:speech [speech][spiːtʃ] n. 演说;演讲;言语;语言能力

【单词】production [pruh-'duhk-shuhn][prə'dʌkʃn] n. 生产;产量;作品;成果;

【单词】nasal ['ney-zuhl]['neɪzl] adj. 鼻的;鼻声的;护鼻的 n. 鼻音;鼻音字

【单词】require [ri-'kwahyuhr][rɪ'kwaɪə] v. 要求;需要

【单词】cavity ['kav-i-tee]['kævəti] n. 洞;空穴;腔

【单词】prevent [pri-'vent][prɪ'vent] v. 预防;防止,阻止;挡住

【单词】liquids 原型:liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] n. 液体

When you snore, it's your uvula flapping around that makes the sound.


【单词】snore [snawr, snohr][snɔː] v. 打鼾;打呼噜 n. 鼾声

【单词】flapping 原型:flap [flap][flæp] v. 拍打

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